Commercial Locksmith Services
Auto & HandiCap Door Operators
Access Control Systems
Commercial Door Repairs
Commercial Locks - Install Repair & Replace
Door Closers
Emergency Exit Doors
Lock-Outs & Re-Keys
Panic Bars & Push Bars
Locksmith Service Call
Only $39 $15 Due To Availability
HURRY - Limited Time Offer.
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STATUS: We Have Available Locksmiths in Your Area
Average Response Time 15 Minutes
*Call before timer expires and pay only $15 for a service call.
Regular price $39.

Benefits of SOS Locksmith
Not sure of the best solution? We are happy to meet and provide options. No job is too big or too small.
Monitor your business 24/7 from home or anywhere in the world with our web based security camera solutions.
Help those with mobility issues easily and safely access your premises with our automatic door solutions.
Virtually eliminate the possibility of injury with our extensive selection of door-closers.
Keep burglars at bay with our professional security solutions.
71,328 Locks Were Serviced & Opened This Year.
Let Us Help You Next!
Door Closer Sales, Service & Installation
One of our most frequently requested services is the installation and repair of door closers in and around the GTA. Our senior techs are experts at making sure little fingers stay safe! Our volume purchase of the industries best door closers allows us to pass on great saving to our clients and our senior technicians will get the job done right the first time. Our customers rave about our quick work and recommend us because we understand that work must be completed with minimal disruption and that the finished product is designed to keep people safe. Call us now for a fast friendly quote. Cost to have a technician on site to provide a detailed estimate is minimal and should you choose to proceed all work is fully warrantied.
Automatic Door Operator Sales, Service & Installation
When we get a call to install or repair an automatic door opener we understand just how critical this is to get done quickly and properly. After all, automatic door openers make life easier every single day for people we care about too! Our process is simple. A negligible fee for a senior tech to come on site and provide you a detailed quote before beginning work is step one. Should we earn your business upon providing you a quote, the technician will complete the work quickly and with minimal disruption to your location.
Commercial Door & Hardware Repair & Installs
Our senior technicians have the specific training and experience needed for today's complex commercial door applications.
They will take the time to explain in simple laymen terms what the issues is and how to fix it. A detailed quote will be provided before any work is done.
All work is fully warrantied.